Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Day of the Dead!

But this week several GameStop job applications I've turned in some time ago are about to be reviewed. *crosses fingers*

Some neat news (but not quite 'new' news, lol) just now reached me that Retro Studios is working on Wii ports of Metroid Prime 1 and 2.
Now I'm not gonna say this is a bad idea, because it isn't. But didn't Retro say that they were taking a break from Metroid? Maybe they meant they weren't doing any new games, but really this is only worth anything to people who haven't played the first two Prime games. I was kinda looking forward to whatever Retro could have been planning next...

On an unrelated note, I finally solved a Rubik's cube. My record now is 4 minutes and 1 second. ^_^

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Birthday minus 3!

Haha, I forgot it was my birthday on Wednesday... but I'm glad you all remembered, right? ^_^;

For my first present, my Japanese Pokémon Platinum came in early this week. I've been playing nearly nonstop since then, but that doesn't mean I'm far. I take the time to try to read a lot of the dialogue, even when I can't understand it.

Second... state exams at school. Not much of a present, but at least they were easy. 'Long as I passed, I get to graduate in June. Until then, I have the SAT to look forward to for Christmas. =D;

Third, I got money. Much money. I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'm looking at Disgaea DS and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood for starters. After that, maybe a shiny new anime. Whee, otaku birthday.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Boy, this is turning into a funky week. Thanks to being a "fresh senior" at this high school, I have to take all four of the state's required graduation exams in one week. This is gonna be fun. D:

On a non D: note, Funimation's One Piece is quite teh awesome. I personally admit to liking 4Kids' opening song better (rap lol), but as a whole Funimation kicks 4Kids out of the, erm, water. :O Some of the voices are a tad unfamiliar, but that'll pass, I'm sure.

And I don't know how many of you might be prospecting this guy over here, but I ordered mine a week or so back. It still isn't here, but should be in early to mid next week. Darn you non-20-dollar shipping. >_<

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Whoo, beat Barbariccia. Finally. But now I don't know where to go next. D:

I also seem to have accumulated... quite a volume of manga I haven't read yet. Need to get on that... I actually get too much real work to be able to read in school anymore. D:

Also, shipping for my import of Pokémon Platinum will be slower than I thought. Might not be in till the middle of next week. D:
And once I get that, chances are I'll stop playing GS or Yellow. D:

BUT I did finally beat Hotbeat on Kirby Super Star Ultra.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dreaming... of explosions.

Whee, this's been a fun week. School is surprisingly less evil with the lack of a math class this year. =D

I'm moving a bit closer to piano than organ for my new songs, and have perfected (kinda) and recorded the song Dream. More to come later. =)

Click Dream to download (.wma, approx 2.5 MB)

Also, get Mercenaries 2. >=)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So much for an update schedule. <_<

Yeah, regular updates, despite my best efforts, are pretty much history. Now that school's started, I have stuff to do during the day, driving school in the evenings, and then probably other stuff when I would normally be expecting free time. But the good news is, I am getting better at driving. =)

And also, another round of Blame That Game:

I found a cool retro game shop in my town, so I, on my very first visit I might add, snatched myself a black GBA SP (with a very good battery) and both Pokémon Gold and Silver versions. Other stuff I looked at included Red, Blue, and Yellow, Final Fantasy VII - IX (VII was $80 O_o), and some of my old favorites from SNES like Metal Warriors. I forget whether or not they had Killer Instinct, but that was definitely one I shoulda been looking for too. Spinal > you. =P

Also, I got a tetanus booster today. I freakin hate needles. -_-;

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Longest Post Yet? Maybe.

Dang, it's been forever. Sorry 'bout the down time, 'lot's been going on, so now I get to rant for hours. ^_^

For the first, the reason I left earlier this month was for my brother's graduation from Basic training. We spent most of the weekend in San Antonio watching parades and stuff on Lackland Air Force Base, but my brother injured his ankle during training, so trips to Sea World and Six Flags got axed. Anger.

And last week was unusually wet around here. I haven't seen it rain for more than say, thirty seconds at a time... but Monday and Tuesday it rained from about 6:30 to 8:30, both days. I remember the times because I had to walk through both of them to my driving school. Good news is, the school is at least indoors. ^_^ And now I have my Permit too! It's the end of the world. =D

Cheeseworld, now known as Alto Mare, has undergone another redesign lately. I had a bigger role this time, and even took (temporary) admin duty to get it done faster. The change is pretty much done, but I still dislike the color scheme the permanent admins chose. Who else thinks it's too dark? =/

Plus, I got one. B)

For most of the time since the break, I've been getting ready for school. Starts Monday, which I'm glad I switched to updating on weekends. I want to say I'll have the song "Lunar" re-recorded by then, but the new version is tougher to play. Guess we'll see by then. ^_^

Friday, August 8, 2008

Now with Weekend Updates!

I've decided on Saturday to be my regular update day from now on, but I'm posting a day early so I don't forget. ^_^

Managed to take a break from Final Fantasy IV (and my DS is right next to me, so I'm afraid I can't stay long <_<>_>) long enough to do a few electrical songs this week.

Click Time to download (.wma, approx 1.7 MB) - Song of Time from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, played on organ. No errors here, surprisingly.
Click Lunar to download (.wma, approx 831 KB) - Original song played on piano. And since it's original, I really still need practice. But I hope I covered up the errors here well.

Also, my leave date next week is confirmed for Wednesday the 13th, but I'll see if I can manage a mini-post before I go. See you all then, hopefully. =)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Missed update last week, time to play Blame That Game!

So that's been my week in a nutshell.

On another note, school is on its way back. I've been tripping for a while now to decide on what day to update weekly and for a while Mondays have been fine, but starting later on I'm going to start updating on Fridays or weekends. Also, around the 18th, I'll be spending a week in San Antonio. Details will come later, but hopefully I'll be going to Six Flags while I'm there. ^_^

And lastly, electrical video.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Heavy Lifting? Not no more. ^_^

Whoops, a little late this week.

The move is finally and officially over. All the furniture is here, and while it took us the weekend to get it all moved around (and sending some to storage -_-), we're totally done. Which means I can goof off. Huzzah.

Got some electrical music today, while I'm still a little rough around the edges, I want to hear what y'all think of my flailing at the ivory. Here's the song I played this morning, complete with errors. =/
Click Steel to download (.wma, approx 1.6 MB).

Monday, July 14, 2008


Well, it happened. All I really got to say is... finally. But Sony... poor Sony. Their only hope now is Metal Gear Solid 4, and their Blu-Ray victory.

Who bets the next Microsoft console will have Blu-Ray and end up with MGS5? =P

Friday, July 11, 2008

What's a Novalith...?

Just earlier today I played Sins of a Solar Empire, and dragged out a game just to see what a Novalith Cannon could do. It took forever, but oh man... XD <-- Something like that.

Been a busy week with all the unpacking, but things are settling down. And I got my piano back. =D Only played for a day or two to make sure I remember how... but eventually I hope to post some songs here. ^_^

Also, a few fun facts I picked up from the History Channel:
- The world's largest ice cream cone was assembled in Alberta, Canada, and weighed 24 tons, including 4 tons of syrup and toppings.
- Hidden images on the Great Seal of the United States arguably contain references to the Freemason society's plot of world domination.
- The French-made Chauchat light machine gun was used by American soldiers in World War I because the bureaucrats feared the American-made (and much more reliable) Browning Automatic Rifle might be captured, studied, and copied by the German Army.

Who says history is boring? =P

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back from a Great Weekend!

Fireworks are win!

This is not!

Ah, Independence Day. Celebrating our nation's freedom from tyranny, taking potshots at the President, and me getting pwned at pool. (Seriously, three games and lost 'em all. Frigg'n scratches.) Saw the movie Hancock on Saturday, which leaves Wanted and Wall-E on my "To see" list. Man, I haven't been to a movie theater since what... 300?

Aaaanyway, after spending the weekend with family, I'm home again starting today. Won't be a long break though; soon the rest of our furniture and junk will be here, and I can't say I know how long it'll take us to get all that sorted out. Less than a week, hopefully. I hate moving. But I want my piano. >=(

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Fireworks!

I'll be gone to my uncle's in Houston for the holiday, so I'm making an early post this week.

For some reason I haven't been playing console games as much as I used to. There's always been the occasional Ōkami session or slaughtering my brother and his friends at Smash Bros., but mainly now that I have a computer awesome enough to run PC games, I've been getting drawn more and more into this new horizon of stuff I missed over the last what, eight years...?

The first of these *good* games I got my hands on was Neverwinter Nights (Diamond edition, with all expansions included). Yes, I'm well aware NWN2 is out and on its feet, but until I can find a patch to run it on Vista, I'm reluctant to buy it. Still, if I want a better RPG, my next choice is definitely Mass Effect, which I know for sure runs on Vista. After that, well, I doubt I really need more than two RPGs at once. >_>

A more recent game that I actually own is Sins of a Solar Empire, and it just might be my new favorite RTS game (sorry, but Rise of Nations is tough competition). I love how smooth the zooming works, and how everything in the solar system, whether you see it or not, is given special attention and detail. Research is a bit tougher to manage than most RTSs I've known, but like all games, you eventually hit that golden age where you forget about research and economy and focus on pounding your enemies into the ground. (Or wherever they go when you pound 'em in space.)

Okay, game rants aside, my brother's off to the Air Force this week, and he'll be back (or gone somewhere else) from Basic in mid-August. So I'm in charge of the house! (Let the pressure begin.)

Something is sure to pop up on the news soon to give me something new to rant about (besides the recent Six Flags decapitation, of which we're all clear the moral is "Don't be a retard"). But until next week, Happy Fireworks!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back From the Dead!

And with a vengeance!

After moving to Texas with my mom, I moved again at the end of the week. Another week later, i.e. now, the cable, phone, and internet are active again! Now I don't have to talk to my brother anymore! =D

Not much has happened because of the lack of internet, but before moving I did get the chance to update my Wii, and downloaded any and all channels I didn't have yet. I also got two new Virtual Console games, My Pokémon Ranch and Sin and Punishment. I really recommend both, Pokémon Ranch to Pokémon fans and Sin and Punishment to um, everybody really. It plays a bit like StarFox, so you're likely to enjoy it more if you're a fan of such games. I love both and could rant forever about them, and since I don't have an electrical video to post this week, I think I will...

Pokémon Ranch is easily my favorite "bored game" in a long time. It's a lot of fun to see what my pokémon would rather do than rot in the PC. I have so many that I never have time or patience to use, and when I release them onto Ranch... "Egg is communicating with Cubone." happens. Tell me that's not worth ten bucks. =P

Sin and Punishment, well, was just... wow. It played a bit like Lylat Wars with different, much different controls, but once you get used to it, it's a blast. And a slash. The game as a whole is challenging but not overly frustrating, and the story is just wow. Also it gives you the chance to appreciate just how awesome the Saki Assist Trophy in Smash Bros. Brawl is. =P Twelve bucks also well spent. =)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Electrical Videos! No Tape Either!

Hooray, I have a reason to abuse my laptop's built-in camera! =DDD

I love video games, even if I'm terrible at them. I'm also a huge(?) enthusiast of video game music, and sometimes I spend good chunks of my time just listening to the music from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This time my brother happened to be with me, and just to mess around I thought I'd press Record. The result... well, see for yourself. =P

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

And the Tape is Rolling!

Hello and welcome to whoever might be reading this! If you're here, that means my official weblog is off the ground. I'll do main updates weekly (probably on weekends), or whenever something interesting happens I'll post about it.

There is no particular theme for this blog; the title is pure randomness if you haven't noticed. =P

For now, all there is to say is I'm in Texas during the summer. Heat and humidity is pretty miserable here, but it's nothing an air-conditioned apartment can't fix. I've recently bought a new computer that is so, SO much more powerful than my last, and a reliable home intranet is keeping me online too. If anything does cause me to miss an update however, I will make sure you know about it and feel as sorry for me as possible.

So until next whenever, may the Internet be with us all!