Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Birthday minus 3!

Haha, I forgot it was my birthday on Wednesday... but I'm glad you all remembered, right? ^_^;

For my first present, my Japanese Pokémon Platinum came in early this week. I've been playing nearly nonstop since then, but that doesn't mean I'm far. I take the time to try to read a lot of the dialogue, even when I can't understand it.

Second... state exams at school. Not much of a present, but at least they were easy. 'Long as I passed, I get to graduate in June. Until then, I have the SAT to look forward to for Christmas. =D;

Third, I got money. Much money. I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'm looking at Disgaea DS and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood for starters. After that, maybe a shiny new anime. Whee, otaku birthday.

1 comment:

Facepaw said...

Thats great! Happy Belated Birthday! Good too hear everything =^_^=